
While many may not remember the specifics I suspect that most will remember the speech. The speech that I am describing, which has been viewed over 10 million times, was delivered by Four Star (since retired) Admiral William H. McRaven to his Alma mater, the graduating class of the University of Texas at Austin in May of 2014.

The speech was based on the “10 Life Lessons from Basic SEAL Training,” where you start off the day by only concentrating on each individual task and preforming that to the best of your ability and then move onto the next task. Do each of these day by day in order to lead to a successful life.

The “10 Life Lessons” were summed up in an article written by Steve Nguyen, PH.D. the following month as follows:

1. If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed.
2. If you want to change the world, find someone to help you paddle.
3. If you want to change the world, measure a person by the size of their heart, not the size of their flippers.
4. If you want to change the world get over being a sugar cookie and keep moving forward.
5. If you want to change the world, don’t be afraid of the circuses.
6. If you want to change the world sometimes you have to slide down the obstacle head first.

7. If you want to change the world, don’t back down from the sharks.
8. If you want to change the world, you must be your very best in the darkest moment.
9. If you want to change the world, start singing when you’re up to your neck in mud.
10. If you want to change the world don’t ever, ever ring the bell.

On Tuesday, April 4th Admiral McRaven released a book based on that speech “Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life…And Maybe the World.”

As an avid reader I can hardly wait to pick up my copy.


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